Centennial Village Groundbreaking!

On the heels of finishing two other projects, Community Ventures is excited to breakground on

Centennial Village, a 52-unit affordable rental development!

Centennial Village Groundbreaking  (Photo Credit: Jane Whitehouse, OHCD)

(Left to Right: Brian Abernathy, Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority; Deborah McColloch, Office of Housing and Community Development; Morgan Cephas, Councilman Curtis Jones, Jr. Office; Kenneth Woodson, Community Trust Board for West Philadelphia Empowerment Zone; Representative from Congressman Chaka Fattah’s Office; Nancy Twyman, Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency; Senator Vincent Hughes; Mayor Michael Nutter; Shoprite Representative; Lucinda Hudson, Parkside Association of Philadelphia; and David La Fontaine, Community Ventures)


Article from Flying Kite Media – December 8, 2015 – http://www.flyingkitemedia.com/devnews/centennialvillage120815.aspx

Article from the Office of Housing and Community Development (below) – December 1, 2015 – http://www.phila.gov/ohcd//PRESS.HTM

Centennial Village Replacing Blight in West Parkside: Ground broken on new apartments, single-family homes and shopping

Centennial Village will transform 52nd Street between Columbia and Parkside Avenues, and some areas nearby.  This project will remove blight, and link Fairmount Park to this community. This is a mixed-use rental project. Centennial Village features an apartment building with 30 new units. It will also rehabilitate eight single-family homes and one duplex.  It will include 7,633 square feet of commercial space.

“Centennial Village is a key project for the revitalization of Parkside,” said Mayor Nutter.  “The project eliminates blight and improves quality of life for residents.  This impacts levels of crime, property values, and community pride.  The new apartments, homes, and commercial spaces showcase the City’s continuous commitment to invest in Philadelphia neighborhoods.”

The apartment building is designed to accommodate seniors and people with special needs. Most of the units will be affordable at the 20 percent and 60 percent of area median income level. The building will have a community room and commercial space. Centennial Village will enable people with physical disabilities to live more independently. It includes nine accessible units, 21 adaptable units, 22 visitable apartments and five visitable single-family homes. Philadelphia Senior Center (PSC) will offer services to tenants. Services include case management, financial literacy, life skills, health screening, and computer education classes. Residents will benefit being near several shopping centers, and link them to nearby employment centers in University City, Center City, and City Avenue.

“Centennial Village is an exciting project that will make a huge impact in the Parkside community,” said David La Fontaine, Executive Director of Community Ventures.

Community Ventures is developing the project. Partners include the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, PNC Bank, and the Parkside Association of Philadelphia.

The Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority is providing financing and project oversight.